Mississippi Office of Highway Safety’s Mission

The mission of the MOHS is to encourage and assist State and local agencies, institutions and the private sector in establishing or expanding cooperative highway safety programs based on specifically identified traffic safety problems.


The overall goal is to reduce traffic crashes which result in death, injury and economic loss in the State. In order to accomplish this goal, activities are carried out in the areas of; alcohol/drug countermeasures, police traffic services including speed, occupant protection, traffic records, driver education and special projects funded through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).

Information on this website provides an excellent source of information for state and local providers to use in accessing appropriate information to be used in highway safety activities, grant applications and other programmatic resources.


If you are interested in applying for funding, please contact the MOHS at the following email: mohs@dps.ms.gov for more information.

If your agency is a continuation grant, your Traffic Safety Specialist will email your agency the new grant application, along with all application materials.


If your agency is new to MOHS grant funding  or has not applied for grant funding in several years, please contact the MOHS (mohs@dps.ms.gov).  The Application will also be available for download from the Department of Public Safety Website at www.dps.state.ms.us and the MOHS website (.www.highwaysafety.ms.gov)



*Please remember that all MOHS grants are reimbursement grants. Activities and cost must incur first, before payment can be reimbursed.

Impaired (AL/Drugs)- Enforcement agencies working to reduce alcohol & drug related fatalities on our roadways. 

Occupant Protection (OP) - The use of high visibility enforcement during national campaigns (Click It or Ticket) as well as other special events and holiday periods.  To educate the public on the importance and proper use of child restraints to reduce the severity of injuries and the number of fatalities resulting from vehicle crashes and to measure the results of enforcement and educational programs by conducting surveys and evaluating the results.  

Police Traffic Services (PTS) - The traffic enforcement necessary to directly impact fatal and injury crashes which includes all aspects of traffic enforcement (Impaired Driving, Occupant Protection and Speed), public education, training and outreach. 

Traffic Records (TR) - The collection, analysis and dissemination of crash, citation, as well as, all other electronic data systems related to highway safety which assist and increase the capability for identifying and alleviating highway safety problems.

Alcohol Countermeasures (AL) - Alcohol projects such as DUI enforcement, DUI Prosecution, public education and outreach.  These funds are strictly for alcohol only related activities, programs and projects.

Public Information & Education (PI&E): Public Information & Education projects must reach the public on highway safety issues across the State. Reach the public through projects on seat belt safety, impaired driving

driving and any other program designated by MOHS.



  • Salary (Overtime/Full Time). *FY19 Full Time positions must meet minimum criteria.
  • Fringe (State agencies & Public Information  groups only)
  • Travel
  • Equipment
  • Commodities; and
  • Contractual Services



Per Federal guidelines, the Mississippi Office of Highway Safety must set targets, performance measures and strategies that will be accomplished on an annual basis to remain in federal and state compliance; as well as meet all federal and state requirements for funding.

By funding agencies and projects across the State of Mississippi, the MOHS hopes to achieve success in these target areas and reach all proposed performance measures, by performing specialized strategies.

Each agency funded by the MOHS must set targets and for the agency to accomplish for the duration of the project. Such as reduce fatalities, reduce injuries and/or  reduce crashes.

Each agency funded by MOHS will also be responsible for setting their own performance measures, in which the agency will look at its agency data and determine performance that the agency will accomplish with grant funds during the grant year.