To report information or submit an anonymous tip, please call the number below, scan the QR code, or click the link:
1-888-8CRIMES (1-888-827-4637)
Click here: SUBMIT A TIP - Crime Stoppers
Scan below to submit a tip:
The Crime Stoppers program is a proven resource that incorporates the community and media throughout the state in helping law enforcement solve crimes. It provides anonymity to citizens who call the tip-line with information regarding crimes, and it saves law enforcement agencies hundreds of investigative man hours in solving crimes. The Division meets regularly with local County Boards of Supervisors, Boards of Aldermen and the City Councils to present Mississippi Code § 45-39-17, which is the assessment that funds all local programs in the state.
The Executive Director performs periodic speaking engagements for various programs, law enforcement agencies, school districts and club-based organizations to discuss the Mississippi Crime Stoppers program and what Crime Stoppers can do for a community.